
Minggu, 27 November 2011

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How to Find A Writing Topic Problem-Solution EssaysHave you ever received a problem-solution essay where you cannot think ofanything to write? Although many of the forty million students in America gothrough this at one time or another, don't despair! There are severalsystematic ways to find a writing topic. Some topics take no research at all.Let's look at a few of them.First, the local newspaper may contain some interesting articles.
They may be problems you have had withyour parents or siblings. A problem could be that you cannot decide onsomething and have to make a tough decision. Writing about a decision that youmade about clothes will suffice. But in the view of someone else, the problemmay seem insignificant.Both previous solutions may in some cases fail. If so, writing about notknowing what to write and how to solve that may lead to the best alternative.It may look as if the assignment was quickly jotted down due to the fact thatthere is no research to do, but if it is well written it can turn out to be avery good essay
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When specific information is needed there are many things thatcould be doctored to suit the needs of the article. As Garrett Hardin said,'There is no moral obligation to conserve the particulars.'A newspaper article may be easiest place to find problems. It will providedetails and information quickly. When writing about your own experiences, youwill have all the details that you can remember. On the other hand, writingabout not knowing what to write can be quite effortless.
The easiest thing tothink of is thinking itself.
Research paper and essay writing, free essay topics, sample works How To Find A Writing Topic Problem-solution Essays

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